Demo Data#


Quail contains 5 Demo Stores and 5 Demo Layers

These Demos show different Store and data source types.

You can safely delete them at any time.

Demo QGIS Stores#

QGIS Stores are QGIS Projects with any required flat files.

The QGIS Demo Stores are below


BGS-GeoPackage. Geopackage data source obtained from the British Geological Survey.

Chicago-ESRI-Shapefile. - ESRI Shapefile data source obtained from the Chicago Data Portal

Gebco-WMS. - WMS source obtained from GEBCO

Monarch-ESRI-Geodatabase. ESRI Geodatabase data source for Monarch butterfly habitat

NASA-GeoTIFF. GeoTiff data source from NASA showing percipitation

USA-PostGIS. PostGIS data source using the GeoServer USA Population data

Demo PostGIS Stores#

The installation contains a Demo PostGIS Store


This Store is created from a PostGIS database that is installed with Quail.

It is used in the USA Layer demo.

The sample database, states, contains the data for the PostGIS Store, usdata:

  states=# \dt
            List of relations
  Schema  |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
 public   | spatial_ref_sys | table | qgapp
 public   | states          | table | qgapp
 topology | layer           | table | qgapp
 topology | topology        | table | qgapp
(4 rows)

Demo QGIS Layers#

QGIS Layers are Layers created from QGIS Stores.

The QGIS Demo Layers are below


The Layer lists the Store from which it was created.

It also lists which layers from the QGIS Project will be included in the Layer.

Demo Layer Previews#


The USA demo layer uses the USA-PostGIS. PostGIS Store.



Simple Bees. This layer uses the QFieldProject Store.



Chicago-ESRI-Shapefile. - ESRI Shapefile data source obtained from the Chicago Data Portal



The BGS uses the BGS-GeoPackage Store



MapWarper-GeoTIFF. GeoTiff data source from Map Warper



WeatherService-WMS. - WMS source obtained from the National Weather Service


Monarch Butterflies

Monarch-ESRI-Geodatabase. ESRI Geodatabase data source for Monarch butterfly habitat


Custom Demo

The USA demo layer uses the USA-PostGIS. PostGIS Store.


US Data: .. image:: us-data.png
