OGC Web Services

OGC Web Services#


You can view Project capabilities via Stores:

To view your GetCapability urls as well as ESPG and Bounding Box, click on the “info” link at right:


The Store GetCapability urls, ESPG, and Bounding Box are displayed in modal:


Clicking the link will take you to the document(s)


Layer WMS URLs#

Layer Urls can be viewed via Layers

Click on the info link at right:


The information is displayed:


To get the url for a WMS or WFS url, simply select it from the appropriate dropdown.

For example, the WMS PNG url:


You can now copy the full url from the browser as below:



An examples of a WFS layer for adding featurs to layers:

https://domain.com/layers/<layerid>/proxy_qgis.php?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=<layername>&maxFeatures=500&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/geo json


  • <layerid> is the id for your layer

  • <layername> is the name of your layer

As an example the WFS url for the demo States layer would be:

https://domain.com/layers/2/proxy_qgis.php?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=states&maxFeatures=500&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/geo json

Show Info#