Quick Start#
To get started quickly with Quail and see if it meets your needs, follow below.
Install with Docker#
Install with Docker
Docker is not recommended for Production hosting.
git clone https://github.com/AcuGIS/quail.git
cd quail
docker-compose pull
Before calling up set docker/public.env with the IP or hostname used on your device
docker-compose up
Note: To clean persistent data, you can remove volumes with this command:
docker volume rm quail_{cache_qgis,data_layers,data_qgis,data_mapproxy,data_stores,html_layers,html_stores,pg_data,www_cache}
Navigate to http://yourdomain.com:8000
Default credentials
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: quail

Upload QGIS Project#
Once logged in, go to Stores > Add New
Upload your QGIS Project and any required data files. If your QGIS Project uses a PostGIS backend, create a PostGIS Data Store for it.

Click the Info/showGdal link at right.

You can now view Capabilities as well as OpenLayers previews

Create Layer(s)#
Go to Layers > Add New and select the Layer(s) to use from your Project.

View Layer URLs and Preview#
Click the Show Info button at right:

You can now see and test your Layer urla

You can nwo also view your Leaflet Layer Preview by clicking on the Layer name