

Quail is a lightweight Administration tool and layer server for QGIS Server.

  • Create OGC Web Services from your QGIS Projects

  • Create OGC Web Services directly from many Geospatial formats

  • Create OGC Web Services from PostGIS

  • Intergrated MapProxy for Layer Caching

  • Group Level permissions for Stores and Layers

Quail also contains a basic Map Portal that automatically creates Leaflet Maps you can share and customize with Group Level permissions

The workflow is similar to GeoServer. You create Stores from data sources. From Stores, you create Layers.

Creation of Stores is simplified by providing only two Store types: QGIS and PostGIS

QGIS Stores

These consists of your QGIS Project and any Raster, Vector, and static files.

If your QGIS Project uses a PostGIS data source, you can create a PostGIS Store for it.

PostGIS Stores

These consist of any local or remote PostGIS connections.

You can also create PostGIS databases from a variety of formats, such as geopackages, shapefiles, backups, etc…


Layers are created from QGIS and PostGIS Stores.

Layers provide OGC Web Services that are served via MapProxy


Quail also installs MapProxy, for caching. Quail Authentication is integrated with MapProxy.

Layers can also be seeded in advance.

OGC Web Services

You can publish WMS, WFS, and WMTS publically or via authentication.

OpenLayers and Leaflet Preview

You can preview all stores and layers in OpenLayers and Leafletjs.

Users and Groups

Create Users and Groups. All Stores and Layers provide Group level permissions.

Map Portal

Quail has a built in Map Portal with User and Group level access. Users can log directly into your Map Portal as see only those maps they have permissions for.




  • QGIS Server

  • MapProxy

  • PostgreSQL

  • PHP

  • SimpleWebrowser

  • WFSExtension

  • OpenLayers

  • Leafletjs

  • Bootstrap 5

Open Source#

Quail is Free, Open Source Software.